Sunday, April 24, 2011

NAPOWRIMO Splatterings 4-24: Time Candy

Momentary mask movement
We don't know what we're saying
Crackling time
Tiny bursts of alternative involvement
Flow of reality is a hard candy
We can choose to bite
An anisotropic hard candy
Blind approach delight
We can define
With myriad methods of unconscious unfolding
And with considerable caprice
We stare at each crease
Considering the possibility
Of re-unfolding
Before we know it we are all at the bar and every possible configuration of sexual partner in this room has come to pass
Sentimentality has tunnel vision
Because it sits in the alley
Picking fights, finding cause for division
Stubborn like Ayn Rand McNally
Don't question me, I am my own god and I know where I'm going
Run into the same wall enough times and your face will get some sexy muscles
Don't they feel good between your fingers?
Squeeze them! squeeze them as you sob
Perhaps squeezing your sobbing diesel face will be the greatest pleasure of your life
Or perhaps you have friends in high places
Like Joan of Arc
Or Charles J. Guiteau
He'll pull you over the wall and you'll certainly be remembered

Or do you leave the folded reality where it is
And start shaving trees for more questions to answer
Tab A, meet Tab B...
The periodical meaning of life

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