Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Quiz: Are You Into Science?

1) Are you into... science?

2) If there were trading cards featuring pictures of science, would you have the complete set?

3) For first dates, do you have a science joke that you tell, and if the person doesn't get it, you don't pursue the relationship?

4) Do you end up explaining the joke regardless?

5) If a procedural drama series called "Ann Hydrous" came out, about a no-nonsense judge who won't allow water in her court room, would you watch it?
A) No
B) Stop stealing my ideas!

6) Did you move to St. Louis because the area code is 314?

7) When you see two letters in a row, do you greedily rub your hands together and think "MMMMMMHmhmHMMmm, these would look great on the Periodic Table..."

8) Speaking of the Periodic Table, are all of your friends saved in your phone by their initials, the first one capitalized and the second not?

9) Did you used to have a friend named Allison Burns whom you called "Pallison" for this reason?

10) Did you kill "Pallison" and then bury her in St. Louis?

11) Ok, forget that I asked that one. Is that a tattoo of Nikola Tesla? Are you totally into him?

12) This question is so you can tell us more about Tesla.

13) We're going to show you some pictures of people who don't science. Please relax and don't mind the electrodes, they are hooked up to some monitors. Monitors are science. If you are someone who sciences, they are your friends and you can trust them.

14) Interesting.

15) When you overhear someone saying they don't eat gluten, do you become friends to gain their trust, then sneak concentrated gluten into their food supply to see if they really have Celiac's Disease?

16) Do you have your own periodic table, but with different letters?

17) You look surprised. We searched your apartment and found your periodic table; got the warrant right here. Hey, calm down! We looked at your periodic table and were very impressed. In fact, we were so impressed, we showed it to our good friend Neil Degrasse Tyson, and he has a few questions for you. Send him in!

18) Hello. Yes, I am in fact Neil Degrasse Tyson. Thank you. Thank you, that means a lot. This periodic table is one of the finest I've seen. I just have one question for you. Where are they buried?

19) Come on now, you have carefully arranged abbreviations and numbers on a table with 18 columns and 7 rows of varying height. Well, the figures must mean something, right? Otherwise that wouldn't science, and I think I know what sciences and what sciences not. And well frankly, as it stands, in my eyes, you science not. So what will it be? Are you really into science, or are you just another poseur?

20) Nothing? Ok how about this: Question 16 is worth 100 points, and the rest of the questions are worth 0 points.

Score: 0
Well, I guess the humanities are more your speed.

Score: 100
Congratulations! You have the right to remain science. Come with us. We're taking you to your new laboratory.


  1. No points for answering 'yes' to number 15?

  2. I think not, mostly because we have yet to come up with an alternative way to handle that situation.
