Friday, April 10, 2015

National Poetry Month Day 5: Survey - Are You a Narcissist (In the Style of Charles Bukowski)?

You're sweating on highway 10
Someone honks their horn,
do you think they are honking at you?
A bold assumption, there are many people on the road
They like to imagine they're being honked at
You think you should be so special?

You're sweating on highway 10
Someone honks their horn,
Do you assume it is not you?
Like you're the chosen only one incapable of error?
Who would dare honk their horn at perfection?

Strung out in a motel near Sunset Blvd
A car alarm is going off
Are you immediately worried that it is your car?
Of all the cars on the street?

Poking your wrist in Echo Park
Even the sun dreams of being a star
When a car alarm starts going off,
do you automatically assume it is not yours?
Of course, because stars don't park their own cars
And you're such a fucking star

How many times per day do you look in the mirror?
How long did it take you to answer that?

Do you enjoy giving someone a good orgasm?
It's a good orgasm until someone needs to take credit for it
Then it becomes the chalky fuckpaste of a sweaty narcissistic hog
Such as you might be

When you read books, and you see parts of yourself in the protagonist
When you read books, and you see parts of yourself in any of the characters
You do realize the author wasn't writing the book about you, right?

Do you bore your friends with your problems?
Do you hide your problems from your friends,
Because you don't want to seem imperfect?

Why do you let things bother you, anyway
There are bigger problems in the world
People are dying hungry and riddled with bullets
While world leaders shit cum out their mouths
And we live in a pile of their personal debris

Do you talk about problems in the world?
Nobody wants you to bring them down with your vain attempt to feel connected to the human condition

Here's what you do:
Find the least attractive person in the room.
Try harder, use that American imagination
Now think about why they're not attractive to you
Probably because of all the shallow magazines you read
They feed your narcissistic sense of superiority
Now, back to this ugly person: Would you have sex with them?
Why not?
Do you think you're better than they are?
We are all equal, after all.
Sex is the only joy in this world
It should be shared with everyone.
Why are you withholding joy from the world?
Why are you withholding joy from this person?
Go have sex with them!
Right now!
If you don't have sex with them, then you are a narcissist.
If they are not interested, show them this quiz.

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